Yes. We do this for two reasons: Security and Future Developments with either the template files (like updates) and

First, for security, we want to make sure our client information remains safe. The best way to do that is to validate everyone who wishes to download any file from This if for our protection as much as yours.

We respect your privacy and we value every minute you’re working. We know how busy folks are in the construction industry – remember, we’re right there with you. So sending you emails to market our products is just not something you’ll see from us. Frankly, we would rather invest our time on developing, researching, and exploring new technology that can be used in the construction industry for folks like us.

By opening an account at, you’re making a statement! Just like thousands of others who are members of, you’re account entitles you to place orders as well as discover the latest technologies emerging that can be used in the construction industry. You’ll also receive special discounts on new features of the COO WebOffice suite soon to be released.