Basic VBA Interview Questions and Answers

Here are the most commonly asked Basic VBA Questions and Answers covered from Basics of VBA Programming.

  1. What is VBA?
    1. VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications.
    2. VBA is Programming language available in MS Office Tools.
  2. What are Data-types?
    Data types helps to declare Variables with specific data, this helps to VBA to know the type of the data and assign the memory based on the DataType of the Variable.
  3. Name some data types?
  4. What is Variant Data Type and Explain it?
    Variant data type is default data type and it can hold any type of data. This will allocate maximum memory to hold the Varian Type. We use Variant data-type when we dot know the type of the data or to accept the multiple data types in a single variable.
  5. What are Scope of Variables?
    We can define variable in different levels:
    Local Level: Variables which are defined with DIM statement in a procedure or functions
    Module Level: Which are defined with DIM statement on top of a module, can be accessed in entire module
    Global Level: Which are defined Public statement at top of any module, can be accessed in entire project.

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  • VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications.
  • VBA is Programming language available in MS Office Tools.
Data types helps to declare Variables with specific data, this helps to VBA to know the type of the data and assign the memory based on the DataType of the Variable
  1. Boolean
  2. Byte
  3. Currency
  4. Date
  5. Double
  6. Integer
  7. Long
  8. LongLong
  9. LongPtr
  10. Object
  11. Single
  12. String
  13. Variant
Variant data type is default data type and it can hold any type of data. This will allocate maximum memory to hold the Varian Type. We use Variant data-type when we dot know the type of the data or to accept the multiple data types in a single variable.
Variables are defined in different levels:
  • Local Level: Variables which are defined with DIM statement in a procedure or functions
  • Module Level: Which are defined with DIM statement on top of a module, can be accessed in entire module
  • Global Level: Which are defined Public statement at top of any module, can be accessed in entire project.
Arrays are type of variables allows to store multiple data values in one variable. It can contain multiple Dimensions like 2-dimensions, 3-dimensions,etc.
 We can redefine the size of the array using REDIM statement. We use PARSE statement will to keep the previously stored data in the data.
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